Thursday, September 30, 2010

How To Build A Successful Marriage

Marriage can be likened to a journey, an odyssey that presents many surprises-some exquisite, others painful. Unforeseen “terrain” can present unexpected obstacles, some of which may seem insurmountable. Nevertheless, many people make this journey successfully and happily, with only minor mishaps. Indeed, success in marriage is not measured so much by the highs and lows of the journey as it is by how couples deal with those ups and downs.
What do you think can make the journey through marriage more successful and enjoyable?
Below are the key principles that can help guide you along a successful and happy marital journey.
*Treat Marriage as Sacred: God instituted the marriage arrangement. What
God has joined together, let no man put asunder.
*Speak Respectfully: Researchers have found that most conversations end the way they start. Hence, if a conversation starts respectfully, it is more likely to end that way. Conversely, you know how hurtful it can be when a loved one speaks thoughtlessly to you. Therefore, try to speak with dignity, respect and affection.
*Be Kind and Compassionate: When there are strong disagreements, it is easy for anger to beget anger. By striving to be kind and compassionate, however, you can do much to help smooth the road to a peaceful marriage.
*Show Humility: Humbly apologize when you are mistaken. Most times conflicts arise in marriages because marriage mates out of pride try to blame their partners for problems instead of humbly seeking ways to make things better. Lowliness of mind or humility can help you suppress the urge to insist on being right in a disagreement.
*Do Not Hastily Take Offense: Do not hurry in your spirit to become offended. Listen to and acknowledge you’re your mate’s expression and think carefully before making a reply.
*Express Appreciation and Affection: Strong marriages are characterized by husband and wives who make sure their spouse feels appreciated. Wives in particular need their husband’s loving reassurance and expressions of appreciation. Comment appreciatively on your spouse positive actions and qualities.
*Make Time For Your Marriage and Your Spouse: Commitment is essential in any marriage. Don’t be too busy to neglect your marriage. It is dangerous. Always show love to your spouse.

As Featured On EzineArticles

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